Pirates in Niger Delta Kidnaps 10 Crew Members from Cargo Vessel
No fewer than 10 crew members have been abducted by pirates who attacked a cargo vessel near the Pennington FPSO off the coast of the Niger River Delta.
An International consortium said the attack took place on Thursday off Escravos when the vessel was on her way to Cameroon from Koko, Delta State.
The vessel was said to have at about 2000 hours, slowed, drifted until around 0530 hours the following morning.
According to the group, the attack was attributed to the unrest on the shores of the Niger Delta, adding that the Reformed Niger Delta Avengers may have been linked to the abduction.
Reports said the high powerful forces on the high seas may have pushed the pirate groups to embark on a retreat to Nigerian inshore waters where there is light policing.
“The multiple interventions by the Italian Navy frigate Martinengo deep offshore could possibly push the (pirate action groups) to draw their attention to softer targets located closer to the West African shoreline where international navies have less operational capabilities due to the legal framework,” the body said.