US Election 2020: Obama likens Trump to a Crazy Uncle

The former US president, Barack Obama hits the campaign trail in Pennsylvania in his first in-person appearance supporting Joe Biden, the Democratic White House nominee.

Obama while addressing the crowd at the rally, likened Trump to a “crazy uncle” and said he gives succour to racists. About 280 vehicles were spread throughout the car park, honking in appreciation at Mr Obama’s lines of attack.

Mr Obama – who remains one of the most popular figures in the Democratic Party took a swipe on Trump tweets “if Mr Biden won, “we’re not going to have a president who goes out of his way to insult anybody who doesn’t support him, or threaten them with jail. That’s not normal presidential behaviour.” He said voters would not tolerate such conduct from a family member, “except for maybe a crazy uncle somewhere

The incumbent president and Republican nominee, Donald Trump who was in an alternate rally at the time in North Carolina scorned his predecessor for being wrong about the 2016 election outcome.

Trump who directed most of his fire during his rally in Gastonia on Wednesday evening on his current Democratic challenger for the White House, said the choice for voters was between a “Trump super-recovery” or a “Biden steep depression.”

Americans are reported to be voting early at a record pace this year, with 42 million having already cast ballots both by post and in person. And with 13 days to go, precisely November 3rd, for the election to hold, Biden holds a solid lead nationally though the margin is slimmer in the handful of states that could go both way and ultimately impact the outcome of the exercise.